QLD’s Cold Country

QLD’s Cold Country is the perfect place for a winter celebration. Winter temperatures in some parts of the Southern Downs regularly fall below zero and Stanthorpe is the long term record holder for the lowest Queensland temperature ever seen on a thermometer. That was −10.6 °C on 23 June 1961. When the mercury is that low, you can lose yourself in the crackle and dance of lovely log fires, cuddles are snugglier, roast dinners and hot baths are pretty much compulsory, the coffee tastes better, and you might even get to build a snowman.

QLD’s Horsepower Country

Known as the Horsepower Capital of Australia, the city of Warwick in the Southern Downs is home to a huge calendar of horse and motor-sports events.

QLD’s Wine Country

From grapevine to glass, paddle to plate, and farm to fork, the Southern Downs is a mecca for lovers of fresh, seasonal, regional produce. It is also home to the Granite Belt – Queensland’s only cold climate wine region where multi-award winning hand-crafted wines continue to break new ground both nationally and internationally.

QLD’s Wild Country

Put the wild back into your life in Queensland’s Southern Downs, a region with breathtaking rugged mountains, exhilarating experiences, and sweeping views across pristine Gondwana Rainforest filled valleys, all just 90 minutes from Brisbane.

Our region shines in a new travel Podcast

A new podcast series is set to highlight the Southern Downs and Granite Belt as the ultimate Queensland Adventure destination.

It’s time to when your appetite! Cool season means food on the Southern Downs and Granite Belt

Foodies rejoice! The Southern Downs and Granite Belt has two new food maps to showcase the freshest produce of the region.

Warwick’s Horsepower Place

Visit Warwick’s Horsepower Place on the Condamine River. Local artist John Simpson’s Horsepower legacy pays homage to the rich and varied facets of the region’s equestrion history and was more than 10 years in the making. The 15m high sculpture sits at the southern end of Queens Park, on Alice St, where you can enjoy a casual stroll along the beautiful Condamine River.